

Established in Switzerland, BRUN Building Technologies GmbH offer technology transfer and consulting services to obtain manufacturing license in potential markets. We are a technology developer of Building Materials.

Launched in 2004 by René Brun, Swiss born businessman. After moving to Canada, Rene spent years in R&D (research and development) to set new levels of improved technology in the manufacturing of Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs) and other materials offered to the construction market.

BBT building technologies offers an energy efficient, cost effective, fast and simple form of construction, one of best on the market.

The distinctiveness of BBT-SIPs is the insulating capability that outperforms any other conventional building techniques. The rigid foam developed and used by BRUN Building Technologies is Polyisocyanurate, also known as Polyiso or PIR, is essentially an improved formulation of polyurethane foam (PUR or Polyurethane).

The Polyiso foam of BBT is also the lowest fire propagation insulation material available on the market. This gives BBT a significant advantage compared to other insulated construction materials such as mineral wool (Rock Wool) or Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) also available in the construction market.

BBT-SIPs are manufactured in Standard sizes of 1220mm width by 2440mm, 2500mm, 2745mm or 3050mm height and a range of thickness from 50mm to 250mm.